Your support helps low-income individuals start businesses, get out of poverty, and strengthen their communities


A donation from you or your company allows us to provide business loans, support, and training to low-income entrepreneurs in Greater Des Moines. 

Make a Donation Below →

Host screening 

Borrow the DVD “To Catch a Dollar” from our office and invite 10 friends to watch. We can provide brochures and possibly a staff member to attend and answer questions.

Contact Us

get speaker

Are you a member of a business, professional group, or civic organization that hosts speakers? Invite us to share about this amazing program at a lunch and learn or similar event.

Contact Us

make a donation

Iowa Community Capital is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. All donations are tax-deductible. If you or your company would like to make a financial contribution, please send us a check by mail. Option to donate online will become available soon. 


Iowa Community Capital (memo line: Solidarity Microfinance)
915 8th Street Suite 205
Boone, Iowa 50036


Follow us on facebook

"Like" our Facebook page to stay up-to-date with following:

- The impact we are having in the community
- The success stories of our borrowers
- Upcoming outreach events in Greater Des Moines

Attend and invite your friends!


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